All that glitters is not gold…..Is discarded plastic bottles! Royal College of Art student Florie Salnot collaborated with Sandblast, a London-based nonprofit that works with the Saharawis of Algeria, to find a creative yet economic solution to raise awareness about their cultural displacement. The low-cost, low-energy production process requires only hot sand, a nail board and paint. First, the bottles are paint and dry. Then cut into long thin stripes and woven into a wooden board of nails. The board with the strips are submerged into the hot sand. When the nails are removed, the plastic strips have been transformed into a delicate, labyrinth pattern.
As we read from our references and definitely agree, “these stunning pieces prove that upcycling can be synonymous with sophisticated and inspired artisant work.” Just amazing!!!!!
via: ecouterre , greenwink, greendiary
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