Message in a Bottle; Hello World!

Welcome to our blog. This is our first post in Yiuco’s blog and we hope you like it! So please let us introduce ourselves! We are Yiuco people, a team of happy upcyclers who came to upcycle the world!

But what is upcycling anyway? And what Yiuco has to do with it? And how on earth Yiuco, an online marketplace and waste hierarchy, can mix and match? Everything should happen for a pollution-free environment, we say.

Instead of wasting time though, let’s have some small talk about waste.

Waste, properly disposed or not, unwanted or unusable materials, is the  focal point of the environmental issue.  Over the years, people established strategies for waste management and classified them according to their desirability. Reduce, reuse and recycle, the 3Rs, are the most important practices in a waste management hierarchy, describing perfectly the waste minimization concept.

In other words, we have to reduce, reuse and recycle our waste so we can experience a better world than the one we live in  now!

And this is where Yiuco comes…

Yiuco, is an online marketplace where you can buy, sell and exchange products or ideas, that occurred from recycling, either upcycling or downcycling, or reusage. In fact, Yiuco is the new tool for active recyclers, individuals or companies.

Yiuco gives a boost.  Everybody can sell or buy handmade or industrialized upcycled, downcycled or reused products, ideas, strategies or know-hows. A considerable amount of waste that normally would end up in the bin becomes product again and keeps on trading on its owners benefit, thanks to Yiuco.

Mix and match, don’t you think?

If you really like this concept, if you do upcycle or recycle with your own means, if your company does, if you have an idea to communicate about sustainable methods, if you want to sell your used stuff, then it is about time …..

Don’t throw it. Yiuco it!


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