1.1 The present Personal Data Protection Agreement covers all personal data of the visitors, users & members collected and processed by YIUCO, during the visits and general use of the services & pages of the website located at the URL: https://www.yiuco.com (hereinafter referred to as “YIUCO”).
1.2 Moreover, the present agreement covers the conditions for the collection, the processing, the administration and the granting of access to the personal data of the visitors, users and members of YIUCO to the companies which may be affiliated with the website.
1.3 The present agreement does not cover in any way the legal relationship between the visitors, users & members of YIUCO and any third party service providers which are not under the control and/or ownership of YIUCO.
1.4 With regards to the nature and volume of the Internet, under no circumstances, including those of potential negligence, can YIUCO be held accountable for any form of damages that the visitor, user and/or member may suffer, by visiting the webpage of YIUCO, using the services, options and contents of YIUCO, actions which the visitor, user and/or member undertakes at his own risk and with full knowledge of the provisions of the present.
2.1 YIUCO collects personal data during the following actions:
- a) When the visitor / user registers for its services
- b) When the visitor, user and/or member signs in to the marketing and advertising programs of the website.
2.2 During the registration of the visitor / user with YIUCO the information sought are the following:
- Name & Surname
- Residential Address
- Contact information such as email.
2.3 YIUCO uses the personal date of the visitors, users & members for five general reasons:
- a. Compliance with the legislation regarding the prevention of money laundering and in general the laws of the Hellenic Republic and the European Union.
- b. Information support for the visitors, users & members and the creation of content which is offered to them, so that they are in compliance with their general preferences.
- c. Information of the visitors, users & members in relation to new offers for services & products.
- e. Compliance of the website with the duties to hold books and records for all the financial transactions of YIUCO.
2.4 By completing and filing by yourselves of your personal data, you expressly state without any reservation, that you willingly offer your express and free consent and special will so that YIUCO may collect, administer and store your personal data for the purposes aforementioned in the present.
3.1 YIUCO grants the right to the users & members of the website to have their personal data amended, corrected, updated, or deleted or to suspend their membership and/or registration, at any time, by a simple email sent to the special email address of YIUCO which is privacy@yiuco.com so that direct communication with the administrator for personal data of YIUCO can be effected.
3.2 You have the right to ask at any time to be informed by YIUCO in relation to which personal data of yours are kept on file and YIUCO undertakes to inform you in the shortest possible time in relation to such data.
4.1 YIUCO undertakes not to sell, rent, lease, or in any other way publish and/or disclose the personal data of the visitors, users & members of YIUCO to any third party.
4.2 YIUCO may supply personal data of the visitors, users & members to third parties only if:
- a. It holds the express consent of the visitors, users & members of the website for the disclosure of their personal data.
- b. The disclosure of the personal data to legal and/or natural persons associated and/or who cooperate with YIUCO is essential for the processing of the wishes and orders of these users & members.
- Legal and natural persons who are associated and/or who cooperate with YIUCO obtain the right to process the personal data that the users & members of YIUCO have submitted only to the extent that this is absolutely necessary for the provision of support to YIUCO.
- d. It is commanded to do so to remain in compliance with the relevant legislative provisions and/or by instruction of any responsible authority.
5.1 The visitor, user & member who wishes to advertise in YIUCO must fill in the appropriate form with all the necessary information in relation to the person and product, including personal data, in order to obtain the relevant advertisement information. The form will need to contain at least the following information:
- a. Name & Surname or Legal Entity Name / Trading Name & Profession
- b. Telephone, Address, Email and Website AddressΤηλέφωνο – E-mail – URL
5.2 YIUCO is in no way responsible for the personal data protection policy of those who advertise on the website when these entities are visiting, reviewing the products or trading with the visitors, users & members of YIUCO.
1 YIUCO may use cookies in order to identify the visitor, user & member for access to certain pages & services of YIUCO.
6.2 Cookies are small text files which are stored on the computer of each visitor, member & user and do not obtain information from any other document in the computer of the host.
6.3 Cookies are used solely for the facilitation of the access of the visitor, user & member to certain webpages & services of YIUCO and for statistical recording purposes only so as to determine which sections and services of YIUCO are preferred by the visitors, users & members and for marketing purposes.
6.4 The visitor, user & member of YIUCO may adjust his/her browser in such a way as to present a warning when cookies are users by YUICO and also may choose to prevent the use of cookines altogether.
6.5 In the event that the visitor, user or member does not wish to use cookies for his identification, then access to certain pages & services of YIUCO may be restricted for security purposes.
7.1 YIUCO presents thrid party products and products presented by members and correspondingly YIUCO bears no responsibility for the use of such personal data or other information which may be made by other members or third parties, in relation to the personal data associated with the aforementioned products.
7.2 YIUCO does not control, modify, supervise or in any other way affect the personal data that might be used and published by third parties and members regarding the products of others.
7.3 YIUCO applies a correct use policy for the use of personal data and the members and third persons who use the YIUCO website are under a duty to comply with this policy and when asked by YIUCO to amend or otherwise modify their listings and pages in compliance with the requests of YIUCO immediately.
8.1 YIUCO may record the content of messages sent by the visitors / users & members of these services in order to investigate a violation of the terms of use as defined in the Terms of Use section, but for no other purpose.
8.2 YIUCO may not publish or disclose to any third parties the content of such messages without the consent of their sender. Such disclosure may be made by the order of a Court or other relevant authority.
8.4 In the event that any user or visitor disagrees or does not consent with the publication of such personal data as that defined in paragraph 8.3 above the visitor or user will have to notify the administrators of YIUCO at the email address: privacy@yiuco.com and every reasonable effort will be made for the prompt removal of such personal data.
9.1 YIUCO may contain links to other websites which are not controlled by YIUCO but by third paries (legal or natural entities). In no event may YIUCO be held responsible for the Privacy & Personal Data policies that such third parties have. Visits to such links are made at the sole responsibility of the visitor, user & member.
10.1 YIUCO bears absolutely no responsibility for the content that is posted and or publicized by the members in their personal pages. YIUCO furthermore bears no responsibility whatsoever in relation to the content and the data which are mentioned in the webpages that external associates of YIUCO create in the website or through the website at their webstores.
10.2 If YIUCO receives notice that the content of some of the personal pages violates the rights or any third person or violates the personal data of third persons then it reserves the right to immediately and without further notice delete the relevant pages and/or the user / member and/or the webstore and/or the publication.
10.3All provisions of the present document will apply in relation to texts, pictures, images, sounds, sound files, videos & video files and all other content that the users / members may publish on the personal pages and webstores.
11.1 The IP address through which the visitor, user or member accesses the internet and consequently YIUCO is recorded for technical reasons and is used exclusively for the purpose of gathering website visitation data.
11.2 This address may be disclosed to any responsible authority only after a lawful request has been made to YIUCO.
12.1 No personal data of the user, visitor or member are requested when voting is made by the visitor, user or member. Nevertheless, YIUCO may demand that the user log-in before the voting takes place to avoid the falsification of the voting results.
12.2 The visitor, user or member’s vote is recorded exclusively for the issuance of the results in relation to the opinions of the visitors, users & members of YIUCO on some specific question. The voting polls and their results remain the intellectual property of YIUCΟ.
13.1 Visitors, users & members of YIUCO who are minors may not access certain services of YIUCO which may be deemed that they are inappropriate for minors and which may not be under the control of YIUCO.
13.2 Every section or service which might contain material which may be considered as inappropriate or insulting or immoral is marked by a relevant notice to the visitors, users or members.
13.3 If nevertheless, minor visitors, users or members willingly visit pages of such material as defined in paragraph 15.3 above, which cannot be controlled at all times by YIUCO then they proceed on their own risk and YIUCO bears no responsibility for any personal data which might be publicized or otherwise disclosed in such a way.
13.4 Due to the specific nature of YIUCO it is not expected that its users will undertake activities as defined in paragraphs 13.1, 13.2 & 13.3 above.
13.5 Despite all of the above, YIUCO bears no responsibility for any such content which may result from users, visitors or member’s comments, as defined in paragraph 10 above. YIUCO furthermore calls every visitor, user & member to report immediately to the webpage administrator and to the person responsible for the processing of personal data any and all such case which it may appear to that person that constitutes a violation of the privacy and personal data terms contained in the present document. Such notice may be sent through the email address: privacy@yiuco.com.
14.1 The management and protection of personal data of the visitors, users & members of the YIUCO services is subject to the terms & conditions of the present section as well as the relevant provisions of the legislation of the Hellenic Republic (Law no. 2472/1997 in relation to the protection of the person and the protection of data of personal nature as supplemented through the Directives of the Chairman for the Personal Data Protection Authority, Presidential Decrees no. 207/1998 and 79/2000 and of Article 8 of the Law No. 2819/2000 as well as the Law 2774/1999 and of European Law (where applicable) (Directives 95/46/ΕC, 97/66/ΕC, 2002/58/ΕC, 2006/24/ΕC and 2009/136/ΕC) as well as of Law No. 3471/2006 as amended.
14.2 YIUCO informs you that you may be informed in detail in relation to the legislative framework which regulates these specific functions through the webpage of the Personal Data Protection Authority of the Hellenic Republic – http://www.dpa.gr. The reference of the legislation in paragraph 16.1 is merely indicative and in no way restrictive, is up to date at the date of writing of the present, but may be obsolete at the time of reading. Consequently, any person who desires to be informed in detail and accurately of the currently applicable legislative framework may directly visit the aforementioned webpage of the Authority and/or obtain independent legal advice.
14.3 YIUCO may offer additional information in relation to the sources that a person may obtain such information by email further to a request sent to the email address privacy@yiuco.com.
14.4 The present personal data & privacy terms are stated having taken into account the rapid development of technology and specifically of the internet, as well as, of the present, but not adequately developed, legislative framework in relation to such issues. Any amendment of that framework will automatically constitute part of the present document.
14.5 In any event YIUCO reserves the right to alter, modify, amend the terms for the protection of personal data after the due notification of the visitors, users & members. In that case, should any visitor, user or member disagree with the new privacy and personal data terms then they will have to abstain from using the services of YIUCO.