Spray Bouquet


It doesnt smell like flowers, but it doeas smell like upcycling. Hillary Coe presents an original upcycling piece of art. Hillary Coe is an artist who transforms empty grafiti cans into sculptural bouquets. Discarted paint

Spray Bouquet 2018-03-17T18:13:38+00:00

Eloquent Shadows created from recycled newspapers


Recycled shadow' is an installation  undertaken by spanish architectural team Meva. The artists fold hundreds of newspaper pages into paper windmills, which they then hang on nylon mesh into suspended sculptures that provide shade to

Eloquent Shadows created from recycled newspapers 2018-03-17T18:14:03+00:00

Worn as a scarf…


"Scarfty" lamp is been designed by the ukranian design studio decorkuznetsov. The lamps are sweater like knits made out of peruvian wool, wrapped around a steel ball structure. Each of the lights are knit with a

Worn as a scarf… 2018-03-17T18:14:31+00:00

Beautiful Garbage by Shari Mendelson.


Shari Mendelson is a Brooklyn-based artist that creates masterpieces out of garbage. She is collecting juice, soda and water bottles and then she cut all these in pieces. The material she needs to work is

Beautiful Garbage by Shari Mendelson. 2018-03-17T18:15:01+00:00

Domesticated does


Artist and designer Beck Wheeler combines toy making, textile and woodworking techniques to make colorful, playful found object sculptures. Wheeler is using used objects like broken childrens toys, old bits of cutlery, shaving brushes, can

Domesticated does 2018-03-17T18:15:28+00:00

Plastic fantastic


Tomaas is a New York based fashion and art photographer who catched the Plastic Fantastic series of images. The model is staged with various plastic items such as straws, tubing, platters, and bottles. The striking

Plastic fantastic 2018-03-17T18:15:48+00:00

PET : A man s best friend.


Miwa Koizumi wanted some pets, so she created them! With a combination of heat guns, cutting utensils and soldering irons she created jelly-fish animals from discarded liquid containers made from PET (polyethylene terephthalate).   This work

PET : A man s best friend. 2018-03-17T16:45:51+00:00

Off duty no more


Designer and urban archeologist Guilhem de Castelbajac’s with his project  OFF DUTY NO MORE has immortalized the iconic lights of Taxi Signs .  The re-purposing of these  lights as interior lamps lends a second life

Off duty no more 2018-03-17T16:46:20+00:00

Map accesoiries


Lost? Find your way in this upcycling project. Read more about Ewelina Bocian...... Polish designer Ewelina Bocian created a line of ‘Oldies’ accessories by using pieces of maps, folded in miniature size mounted on brass

Map accesoiries 2018-03-17T16:48:59+00:00

The Hive


Kristiina Lahde is a Canadian artist who transforms old telephone books into complex architectural structures. Using patterns borrowed from nature, Lahde creates modular sculptures that emulates the structure of a honeycomb, cross-referencing the social behaviours

The Hive 2018-03-17T18:14:17+00:00